Sunday, May 17, 2009

nothing says home like freshly baked cookies!

We spent our first weekend as homeowner’s trying to clean up a years worth of neglect as we get ready to move all our belongings from storage in next week. My boyfriend spent most of his time out in the yard. For not using a lawn mower since 1999 he did a really good job. I spent most of my time in the kitchen…where I met my two new best friends…Goo Gone and Easy Off. There is this really great invention called tin foil…which apparently the previous owners never heard of…because the oven…well...let’s just say it wasn’t pretty. Rubber gloves were my ally and my short arms my enemy…but I got through it and the oven looks great! I can’t wait to cook in it now! I also did a bit of spackling. Here are some photos of my handy work!

We also experienced a couple of firsts this weekend:
Saturday...we got our first mail delivery! A letter from Comcast, a letter from Vicky’s Polish Cleaning Service, and a letter from our lawyer thanking us for our business and asking to keep her in mind for any future legal needs.
Sunday...we had our first meal! KFC and Pizza Hut...standing up in the kitchen.

Probably the best thing that happened was our next door neighbor stopped by to drop of a delicious plate of homemade cookies that her and her daughter baked to welcome us to the neighborhood! I am starting to feel at home already!

1 comment:

  1. aww, what a sweet neighbor! mine just wears tapered purple cord pantsuits and screams at the rcn lady. sigh. jealous = me.

    good job with the spackling, miss diy! slap a couple of frame on the wall and, viola, instant abstract art! ;)
