Saturday, May 23, 2009

moving day!

First and foremost I have to give the biggest THANK YOU to my boyfriend's brother who came up for the whole weekend to help us move! If it was not for him we would probably still be unloading the truck! I still don't know why he offered to help but I am SO grateful for his time. Some of my other friends offered to help too but I refused. Why you ask? Because I HATE moving and not only would I not want to put anyone through the agony but I couldn't have them volunteering to do something I myself would not do willingly.

When we started at about 9am this is what the living room looked like...
Around lunch time I ran to our local Meijer to get some sustenance for my hardworking guys....

I think I have an idea why my boyfriend's bother came up to help now!

At about 5pm when the Uhaul was finally empty the living room looked like this...
We ended the very long day with an extra large pizza from Danny's owned and operated since 1968...and some beer...of course!

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