Sunday, May 24, 2009

day 2

Last night was the first night we slept in the house. It was really weird being there at night because up until then we had only been at the house during the day so it made me a little uneasy at first. Getting to sleep has always been a challenge for me but since I was undoubtedly exhausted I thought I would have no problems. I was wrong. With the combination of my boyfriend’s relentless snoring and the house creaking and cracking I think I got about 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Two hours of sleep or not...I am quickly finding out that a ho
me has no use for a tired homeowner. So at about 7am I was downstairs making some coffee and going through the mountain of boxes. I must have said it at least 10 times…“how did we get so much stuff?” More interestingly is how did it all fit in our one bedroom apartment?!

My main focus was the kitchen…which I felt was pretty well organized by the end of the day.

While I was busy in the kitchen Dish Network was busy for like 5 hours installing our dish and setting up our cable in four rooms...all I can say is...thank you!

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