Friday, May 15, 2009


Earlier this week I sent out an email to all my friends and family sharing the good news and here are some of the replies I received! Thank you to everyone for your excitement and support!

Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you both.

Congratulations!! This is awesome. I know you have been waiting for a very long time for this to I think it makes it that much sweeter!! Your home looks beautiful. I would love to see pictures of the inside. When do you move in?

Congratulations! How exciting. Well probably in the fall/winter we will be hopefully buying a new couch and stuff, If you want you are welcome to have our old furniture. If you have a basement you can use it in. So keep it in mind.

Congratulations!!!!!! I love it, It's so cute. I would love to see more pics as you "make it your own".

i'm soooo happy for you both!! i've bookmarked yet another one of your genius blogs and cannot wait to visit your new home. i love you friend and look forward to sharing new memories with you in your new home. if you need any help cleaning, painting, call me!

Nice work!! Congrats! I hope to read some interesting info in your blog!


Yes!!! I am so very happy for you with the new home! Congratulations!!

I am so happy for you! You finally have your house, that is incredible! Congratulations, I wish you both the best of luck!

Good for you!!!! New home - All the best! Things will fall into place for everyone, I just know it.

I'm so happy for both of you!!! Can't wait to be invited to the new house. Good luck on everything!

omg, i can't believe you have a house! that's fantastic! congrats and best wishes and i can't wait to hear all about it.

1 comment:

  1. i hope you aren't sick of it yet because here it comes again: CONGRATS!! :) i'm so happy for you guys, you must be thrilled!
