Sunday, June 14, 2009

weekend 3

This is our third weekend living in the house but it feels so much longer. We continued to organize things inside the house and work on the yard. We made the most progress on our enclosed porch.



Believe it or not...besides the desk the rest of those boxes are garbage. Most of it is from the previous owners that we are slowly getting rid of...sooner rather than later I hope!

Saturday night we took a walk and admired all the historic homes in our neighborhood. They are all just gorgeous!

The highlight though was the Turkey BLT's and the Stuffed French Toast Sundaes I made! De...lic...ious!!!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

cook yourself some lemon bars!

Today my first non family member came to see our new home…the best girl in the world…and my friend since the beginning of time! I was really excited to show her around and I was even more excited to make the lemon bars we had been planning to bake. If getting to chat over lemon bars and coffee wasn’t enough excitement she surprised me with the best house warming gift ever! The Cook Yourself Thin Cookbook…and copies of three Ray LaMontagne CD’s! What can I say she knows me and I love her!!!

Sorry…I don’t have a picture of the lemon bars…we dug into those before I could think about a picture!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Two years ago my dad went to Italy and brought me back a really nice and expensive bottle of red wine. The only provision was to save it for a special occasion. When we finally closed on our house I of course wanted to pop the cork and pour a glass but my boyfriend said to wait. Today I found out why! After months of calculated planning he proposed to me!!! It was perfect and the surprise of the century! Needless to say we didn't have to wait anymore to enjoy our wine!!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

you've got mail!

We were very excited last Thursday when we received our first congratulations on your new home card in the mail! We have received two more since then and I just want to say thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and an extra thank you to the ones that included gifts! We appreciate it more than you can know!